The Peaceable Kingdom of the Branch, by Edward Hicks - Photo courtesy of Reynolda House Museum of American Art

The Peaceable Kingdom of the Branch, by Edward Hicks - Photo courtesy of Reynolda House Museum of American Art


Remarks on Roger Kirkman’s historical book about the Quakers of North Carolina and the Manumission Society.

“Roger Kirkman brings an intimate and supremely detailed knowledge of the North Carolina Quaker community to his unique study of pre-Civil War manumission activities in that state. At once granular and broad in its view of Quaker philosophy and how it was applied to real-life moral conflict by individuals of compelling character and industry, Kirkman’s monumental work is not simply an insightful analysis of rich historical research but is also, in essence, the story of a deeply, intricately connected family of believers whose personalities, passions, deeds and shared commitment glow on the page with the vibrancy of life itself.”  

Carolyn Jack, journalist and author